October 20, 2005

The Last Sunny Day

Party-poopers are predicting rain this weekend.


Well, at least it's supposed to stop raining by the time I start my new job. That's something. Feh.

Listening to:
Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (my favorite song. ever.)

3 Comments  |  Link


at 10:02 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is me, checking your site :) sorry i've been so out of the loop lately, the job sounds awesome! you'll be great!!:) is good! no fretting!! you'll rock the media!! CONGRATSCONGRATS!!!

at 2:01 PM Blogger Meredith said...

Congrats on your new job!!!

at 4:39 PM Blogger Awreye said...

Thanks! Am both energized, excited and scared about this new job! Trying something different, taking on a lot of responsibility. Let's see how it goes...


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