June 12, 2006

Back From Hiatus

...with a new look for the blog, a dedicated home high speed cable internet connection and a burning sensation to post! (Though that sensation may be due to the sunburn on my arms, chest and back from yesterday's sunny BBQ by Hudson River.)

Here's are the highlights, lowlights and random stuff in between of my sporadic posting period: moved into new apartment, wrangled with utility companies/building management over the course of six weeks to get stuff turned on/fixed/replaced, attended some awesome and some gawdawful gigs, drank at a my new favorite bar in Cambridge, tightened up my writing style for my day-job, bid farewell to one of my favorite aunts, left Canada with nine mosquite bites (serves me right for swanning around a lake in a ridiculous--but fashion-forward--pair of black corderoy shorts), watched a relationship die a slow death, revived a stagnant relationship with a faraway friend, photographed strangers, and scared off the F train subway masturbator.

During those months, I stopped blogging regularly because I really didn't have the energy and time to enjoy it as I did way back when. But my fingers are starting to get itchy -- so I'm back. Maybe I'll update less frequently or write less epic posts, but I'll be blogging.

2 Comments  |  Link


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Cara Mengobati Jamur Mulut
Cara Pemesanan
Cara Mengobati Telinga Berair
Pengobatan Penyakit Polip


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