December 19, 2005

Older not Wiser, but it's OK

Since I hit my mid-20s, I've attempted to ignore the passage of time by keeping my birthday on the downlow. It's just another day, right? Always felt uncomfortable celebrating getting older, when I don't feel any wiser or more enlightened with turning 23, 24, 25 and (gulp) 26. Guess others are feeling the same as evidenced by the glut of "quarterlife crisis" survival manuals on the market. Anyway, I don't mention my birthday to anyone, except when directly asked "Waitaminute, isn't your birthday in 5 days?!" But every year I never get away with treating my birthday like just another day. . .and in the end, I'm glad of that. Maybe the feeling of being "with it" or wiser will hit when I'm in my 30s...or in my 80s if I'm still breathing.

Thank you to all the folks who made sure I didn't let last Friday slip away unacknowledged.

I'm older and I think I'm OK with it.

2 Comments  |  Link


at 6:50 AM Blogger Meredith said...

Happy belated birthday!

at 12:33 PM Blogger Awreye said...

Thanks! 26 ain't so bad...


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