December 14, 2005
When a Gap Gift Card Won't Do
It's December, the time to buy/make stuff for your loved ones and celebrate one of the values that makes modern life so great -- commericalism! Some holiday gift suggestions for the quirky folk in your life:Arnold Schwarzenegger - Total Body Workout (the album)

I recommend checking out track #9, Ahnold's words of wisdom set to the soothing sounds of "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls. Can't vouch for the actual fitness value of this CD, but its comedic value is solid gold. (thanks, Mars)
Anything from Despair, Inc.
For the depressed, unmotivated pessimists with a sense of humor. Despair Inc.'s not satisfied until you're dissatisfied.
Crafty Goodness
Everyone likes handmade DIY stuff, especially when they're made by people who actually know how to knit, sew a straight line

Hulger P*Phone
Because cell phones are way too complicated to use. For the old-school crowd.
Already finished up my non-religious holiday shopping (does that make sense?). Well, finished most of it.
Amazing that I still do any holiday gifting as I grew up in a household where one of my dad's favorite statements is: "Insert holiday here was invented by Hallmark." My mom disagrees. Hence the schism towards holiday shopping in my family. I give holiday gifts. Mom gives holiday gifts. Dad receives holiday gifts, doesn't give holiday gifts, but will give people random stuff throughout the year for non-holiday related reasons.
- at 7:18 AM said...
up ... down ... up ... down
- at 10:25 PM Awreye said...
interspersed w/"it's raining men! hallelujah, it's raining men!" i think the governator should put out a xmas album. i would buy that.
- at 10:37 AM said...
now remember this is one of my favorite exercises.. this is what blasted my biceps up to twenty-two inches
- at 1:30 PM Awreye said...
so you plunked down $ to buy the governator's album, i see...
- at 8:29 PM said...
- at 9:06 PM Awreye said...
...which means "yes, but i am too embarrassed to admit that my studly biceps are courtesy of the fitness gems of wisdom on this cd" in mars-land!
- at 9:40 AM said...
dude! he says it on one of the track samples!!!.. i did not buy the cd:D.. although i know some people who are thinking about it
- at 8:29 AM New York Social Media said...
The governator should put out a xmas album. i would buy that.