December 05, 2005

PSA for the Ladies: HollaBackNYC

If you're a woman in NYC, chances are you've recently been verbally or physically harassed by a stranger on the street. Take comfort and vent about your experience in HollaBackNYC.

Damn, I remember training myself when I was thirteen to ignore verbal harrassment. Later took the ABC Afterschool Special approach and tried to educate harrassers that calling my friend "brown sugar" and making remarks about and/or trying to touch my breasts/ass/crotch was not appreciated. Uh, that didn't seem to work. When I was in Mexico a few years ago, an idiot tried to convince me that my friend and I really did like being sexually objectified and called racist names. Wtf?!

Then I grew older, more impatient and started screaming at these assholes. Which may not be the smartest thing to do when the asshole is driving an eight-wheel truck alongside you. Now I don't completely ignore all harrassment, but I don't put myself in a potentially dangerous situation and confront every harrasser.

Thank you, HollaBackNYC, for making me feel less crappy.

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at 9:35 AM Blogger springsandra said...

We arraigned some dipshit yesterday who thought it was the right thing to do to come up behind a woman with his fly open, penis flailing and honk her breast. (Well, allegedly.) Talk about wtf?? I wonder if the two girls he touched on Tuesday in Brooklyn are hollering back...

at 7:46 PM Blogger Awreye said...

Ew. I'm curious: what's the punishment usually for what this dipshit did?

at 4:39 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delightful. They should make this mandatory reading in every large city on the Eastern seaboard. I've been harassed more in DC than anywhere else...

at 8:40 PM Blogger Awreye said...

Seriously? I thought NYC was harrassment capital of the world. Well, I haven't been back to DC in 2 years; guess things have changed...


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