January 21, 2006

Sentimental Value Takes Up Too Much Closet Space

Got in a bit of a closet cleaning frenzy yesterday -- wanted to purge my apartment of everything that I didn't wear. Really, does a person need 14 black shirts? As I was sorting through my pile of "should I donate?" clothes, I faced a dilemma.

Emotional attachment to my clothes. Found myself thinking -- I can't donate my School of American Ballet Staff shirt; it's my souvenir from my two summers working there. And I can't donate my Doraemon/Ding-Dong T-shirt which I bought in Hong Kong four years ago; reminds me of my D/D-D-themed third birthday party. I haven't worn these items in months, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of them.

Which means one thing: I need an apartment with a bigger closet.

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at 4:26 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigger closet, yes. However, not sharing the closet with another person, even better.

at 7:37 PM Blogger Awreye said...

indeed. i'm working on rectifying that situation. deets to come....


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