September 21, 2005

You Know, That Dude From American Idol

I live in a city where a lot of celebrites call home. Don't usually notice them until after they walk by and I hear the whispers surrounding me, "Omigod, that's insert famous person's name! Daaaamn, they look so much thinner on tv/film."

So today I had my first reality star sighting ever while walking back from lunch in the park. Mike and I were waiting to cross Park Avenue when he whispers, "That's Constantine." Me: "Who?" Mike: "You know, that dude from American Idol." Me: "What? You know I don't watch that crap."

I snuck a look at the Johnny Damon look-alike standing 6 inches away from me. He had 2 luggage cases bearing tags labeled 19 Entertainment and was buying some street meat from a vendor. No towncar waiting to whisk him away.

I was underwhelmed.

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