September 08, 2005
This morning I drank 3 large cups of coffee to counteract my extreme drowsiness (I didn't sleep until 2am). Left me feeling rather odd. My mind is zooming, but my body wants to wind down and curl up under my desk for a nap.Reminds me of a college incident when I swallowed a few No Doz for an all-nighter. Back then I felt a similar sensation except 10 times more intense. Was miserable the entire night. Couldn't focus. Tired, but couldn't fall asleep. Don't think they illustrated this during Saved by the Bell's Jessie-Spano-is-addicted-to-caffeine-pills episode.
Getting her fix in the halls of Bayside.
Never tried No Doz again. And never touched any of those newfangled energy drinks with names like Pimp Juice. Sticking to overpriced coffee. Though I do occasionally crave old school Jolt Cola.