March 16, 2007


Hello friends and strangers.

If you are or know any mechanical engineers, physics fans or architect-type folks who want to share their genius with a team of enthusiastic but science-challenged idiots in building a flying contraption, please contact me asap. Aside from the opportunity to work with creative folks, you have the chance to win fame and glory.

Edit: Nevermind. Due to the team's busy schedules, our flutag hopes must wait until 2008.


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Be Careful of What You Wish For

After a few days of 50-60 degree weather, NYC is hit with sleet and hail. Perhaps Prospect Park will be sled-able before winter's end.


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March 14, 2007

You're Hot

I don't know what's going on today, but I got hit-on and gawked-at by more than the usual number of strangers today. If you're a lady of a certain age (really a lady of any age in NYC), you will get random "hot mama" comments whether you're dressed in smelly sweats or heels and miniskirt. I guess the red corduroy skirt, knee-high boots, messy hair and 1950s glasses look does it for people.

They might just be gawking at me for wearing a down coat in 69 degree F weather. I was literally feeling very hot. Time to break out the transitional spring clothing! Must admit that I'm a wee sad that winter will end without a chance for me to go sledding.


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Cute but Dangerous

on the bocce court. It's almost spring and your chances to see Team Boccenalia in action are dwindling!

I debated making the bunny more evil-looking (add fangs, foam around the mouth, skeleton tattoo), but decided that the crimson eyes were just enough to get our message across.


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March 07, 2007

Sleepy Poll

We could all use a few extra hours of sleep, no? The National Sleep Foundation ("Waking America to the Importance of Sleep") released the results of its 2007 Sleep in America poll which examined the sleep patterns of women.
"Women’s lack of sleep affects virtually every aspect of their time-pressed lives, leaving them late for work, stressed out, too tired for sex and little time for their friends," according to NSF.

Duh! Here is the press' pithy distillation of the results: "U.S. women too tired for friends, sex: poll" Wonder if women outside of the US experience something similar.

And did you know that March 5 - 11 is National Sleep Awareness Week? In its honor, I will go to sleep before midnight.


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