April 05, 2007
Eggstacy, Ukrainian Style
Last night I learned how to create an Ukrainian easter egg (pysanka). Learned but didn't quite execute properly:step 1: pick what seems to be a simple-to-replicate traditional Ukrainian egg design.
step 2: heat the tip of your stylus (kistka) over candle, scoop wax into the tip. think positive and negative space--etch design onto egg (1st layer of wax yields white design).
step 2.1: realize you just messed up your design because the stylus leaked a big glob of wax onto your egg. get new egg and repeat step 2.
step 3: dip new egg into pink dye bath. realize you also dipped three fingers of your left hand in dye. after a few minutes, remove egg from dye bath and blot moisture.
step 4: give up trying to replicate traditional design. repeat steps 2-3, progressively dipping the egg into darker layers of dye.
step 5: try to unsuccessfully scrub pink dye from fingers. curse yourself for your clumsiness.
step 6: melt wax design off egg over candle. eat malt balls. 20 minutes later...

Definitely going to make this an annual tradition.
Labels: craftiness
- at 10:04 AM said...
I'm down for making this a group tradition. So long as we have cocktails. Maybe even an award for who burns the most fingers in the wax and who has the best dye job!
Sounds like fun!- at 6:01 PM Awreye said...
cocktails? fancy. i was sipping some he'brew when making the easter eggs.
annual tradition is born!