February 03, 2007

Super Bowl? Er...

The last football game which I attended was the Harvard v. Yale game six/seven/er, eight? years ago. Never felt an overpowering urge to fork over $$$ to watch a game since.

This is a pretty strong indication of my enthusiasm for the spectator-side of sports. My sports fan friends blame my ho-hum attitude on my experience being limited to generally mediocre college-level play, and if I saw "the real deal" in person then my attitude would change.

Well, I'm not slapping on face paint and flying south to Miami tomorrow to watch the Super Bowl, but I do enjoy screaming at a television with folks, watching $2.3 million 30-second ads, and eating junk food. Plus watching Prince shake it, despite the fact that his citizenship to funkytown has been revoked.

Chances of my watching the Super Bowl (at least until halftime)? 61%

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at 12:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you end up watching any of the game? I turned it on towards the end of the first half so I could watch the halftime show. I had no interest in actually watching the game this year (hate Peyton Manning with a passion that is unrivaled). I thought Prince's performance was lackluster and turned it off and went back to reading.

at 11:10 PM Blogger Awreye said...

I watched the first half. Although my many Prince fan friends will beat me, I wasn't too wowed by the half-time show. He needs to bring the hip gyrations back.


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