November 17, 2005

Kapow! (and a Bit About Monkeys)

Spent a rainy Wednesday night at the Bowery Ballroom. No, I wasn't there to see the latest Insanely Hyped British Indie Band to Hit NYC, but Kapow! Had a fun time at their last gig, so when I found out about their middle slot for last night's concert, I had to go. Their catchy music is a perfect antidote to yesterday's crap weather. "Make You Mine" is rapidly approaching earworm status (without that annoying aftertaste).

Kapow! sounded tighter last night compared to their Northsix performance. But they seemed so serious on stage! Seemed more relaxed at their last gig. Randomish note: am I the only one curious about the band's story, which they told at Northsix, about being 7 brothers and riding an unstoppable bus? Whaa? Anyway, their set was definitely worth the wet trek across the LES.

Stuck around for part of the Arctic Monkeys' set. Despite the buzz about this band, I haven't actually heard that much of their music. Wouldn't say that that I was blown away. . .was more blown away by the uncharacteristically enthusiastic (Brit-heavy) audience screaming lyrics back at the boys (they are so young!), but I wasn't disappointed.

Now I have two bands to pimp to my friends!

View photos from last night here.

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at 6:30 AM Blogger Meredith said...

I'm so anti-Arctic Monkeys right now because of all the ridiculous hype surrounding them. I probably would have went to the Bowery show if I was in NY to give them a chance and see what it was all about, but I seriously hate 'I Bet You Look Good...' I so don't get the phenomenon!?

at 2:56 PM Blogger Awreye said...

The few Monkey tracks, which I heard prior to the show, didn't make much of an impression on me. But seeing them live made me believe there's something to the hype. Not a crazed fan, but I'm becoming a believer. "I Bet You Look Good" incited some mosh pit action, which I haven't seen at a concert, well, since the last insanely hyped UK indie band rolled into town (Art Brut)!


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